1.   We must act soon to end this crisis.

2.   Tapie withdrew his legal action against the European Football Union, ending a crisis which had rocked the international authorities.

3.   Clinton has also promised a renewed American effort to end the crisis that has turned the former Yugoslavia into a horrific centre of conflict and atrocities.

4.   At a time when Western leaders have asked Russia to mediate with its ally Yugoslavia on ways to end the crisis, Moscow Friday drastically raised the ante.

5.   A state bank took over the troubled institution, ending the crisis.

6.   Allied officials said they hoped that the restraint would help persuade Russia to back a U.N. Security Council resolution on ending the crisis.

7.   Allied officials said they hoped that the restraint would help persuade Russia to back a United Nations Security Council resolution on ending the crisis.

8.   But he repeated his pledge to refrain from using force to end the crisis.

9.   But he said he had received requests from the leaders of several NATO countries to meet with them about his efforts to end the crisis in Yugoslavia.

10.   But Cuban diplomats insisted in interviews Wednesday that it was not Castro who was feeling pressed to end the crisis.

v. + crisis >>共 360
resolve 11.40%
end 9.64%
discuss 6.92%
defuse 6.62%
solve 4.68%
face 3.44%
handle 2.96%
ease 2.64%
cause 1.94%
create 1.87%
end + n. >>共 821
war 4.98%
inning 4.81%
game 2.95%
violence 2.86%
conflict 2.78%
crisis 2.27%
career 2.16%
strike 2.09%
threat 1.95%
life 1.48%
每页显示:    共 385